Atlanta Recycling Company

Atlanta Recycling is a single stream Material Recovery Facility serving the thrift store industry in the Southeast United States. ARC currently processes 350 tons a week of post consumer recyclables.

Atlanta Recycling Company uses new Quickbase ERP application to revolutionize their operations

Over the past 3 years Atlanta Recycling grew an average of 25% year over year in volume processed. While growth is great; they were unable to manage the large amount of data being generated. Key employees were being taxed with constant data entry in multiple applications and unable to perform their daily tasks. ARC also lacked the visibility needed to make effective buying decisions.

Trinity developed a Quickbase ERP application to track, manage and report on the entire workflow. ARC’s Quickbase ERP tracks everything from Customer orders to Supplier purchases and all the processes in between. ARC sees Trinity as a life time partner to provide and implement the Quickbase solutions they need as they continue to grow.

I was thoroughly impressed with how Trinity knew our business workflow and needs. Our team really felt Trinity was invested in our success.
Nader Baaklini
Owner & CEO
Trinity developed a Quickbase application to track, manage, and report on the entire workflow. ARC’s Quickbase ERP tracks everything from customer orders to supplier purchases and all the processes in between. ARC sees Trinity as a lifetime partner to provide and implement the solutions they need as they continue to grow.
  • Automated the reporting of metrics to allow for better decision-making while also cutting down on data entry errors.
  • Reduced the number of applications used to manage the business from 5 applications to 2, with Quickbase and QuickBooks communicating with one another.
  • Removed the need for ARC to hire an additional employee for data entry and bookkeeping.
  • Eliminated the data entry burden on key managers by an average of 10 hours a week.


  • Automated the reporting of metrics with a Quickbase ERP application to allow for better decision making while also cutting down on data entry errors
  • Reduced the number of applications used to manage the business from 5 applications to 2 with Quickbase and QuickBooks communicating with one another
  • Removed the need for ARC to hire an additional employee for data entry and book keeping
  • Eliminated the data entry burden on key managers by an average of 10 hours a week