5 Reasons Cloud Security is Safer than Traditional Security

Adopting a cloud solution is becoming increasingly more common. Nowadays, up to 86% of companies utilize the cloud, and for good reason. It offers a plethora of advantages in efficiency and flexibility. However, with its rise in popularity, some security concerns have garnered attention.

What are Cloud Services?

The cloud platform delivers real time computing abilities, ranging from cloud applications to cloud storage solutions. The primary principle of cloud services is to allow for easy scalability to meet an ever-changing user demand.

Operating on a pay-to-use fee system, users pay for data in a similar manner that homeowners pay for electricity. This means clients only pay for the cloud resources they use. User flexibility represents one of the greatest appeals of using cloud solutions but concerns still persist because of the reputation cloud security has for becoming vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

In 2017, an Insight Intelligent Technology Index report stated that more than 40% of information technology managers view data security as a number one concern. When asked about cloud security specifically, that number climbed to above 50%.

However, we are here to explain why fear about the cloud is a misconception. Cloud security actually offers greater protection for sensitive business data and applications than the security provided by traditional computing storage systems.

What are Cloud Security Solutions?

Cloud security solutions protect data against online theft, deletion, and leakage. Here a few strategies that enable cloud security to prevent these breaches:

  • Adding firewalls
  • Creating private virtual networks (PVN)
  • Penetration testing
  • Tokenization
  • Obfuscation

Implementing one or more of the cloud security solutions dramatically reduces the security threats of data loss, account hacking, and service traffic hijacking. Fortunately, Quickbase, the application development tool of choice for Trinity, already utilizes many of these solutions to ensure data security.

5 Ways Cloud Applications are More Secure than Traditional Applications

According to a 2016 Clutch study, 64% of enterprises believe the cloud is safer than traditional security. Since the study, that number is believed to have risen. Let’s review five reasons why this might be the case.

1. Cloud Service Providers Invest Heavily in Security

The cloud computing industry has invested up to 75% of its research and development budget on cloud security systems. This research has enabled improved protection of valuable SaaS applications and business software, such as Quickbase.

Trust has grown for cloud security, as this money has been invested wisely. This significant focus on preventing data breaches have allowed cloud computing systems to surpass traditional systems in providing tighter security.

2. Built-in Role Based Accessibility

One of the best features of systems like Quickbase is role-based accessibility controls. A vast majority of cloud services include built-in security features for SaaS applications, such as role-based authentication systems for employees.

Quickbase, for example, requires that all access be authorized by direct invitations from the administrator. This ensures your data is only in the hands of those you want to give it to. Role-based authentication requires several more layers of identity verification than traditional security ever could.

This provides business owners significantly more control in who has access to data. If accessibility is controlled in this way, data is much less likely to be in a vulnerable position of being misused.

3. Enhanced Monitoring

If unauthorized access were to occur, cloud solutions have superior ways of dealing with the problem compared to traditional security. The answer to unauthorized access involves closely monitoring activity throughout a cloud computing system.

With the capability to monitor resources, hardware components, and adherence to employee policies, unauthorized access to sensitive cloud platform decreases substantially. If something does happen, alerts enable teams to take action quickly. Traditional security doesn’t offer this level of monitoring.

4. Continuous Improvements of Data Center Services

The advancements made in cloud security might not have come as swiftly, or for that matter come at all, if it were not for the improved security in data centers operating throughout the world.

Cloud data is stored in these data centers. The great thing about them is it means you can access your information from wherever you are. Also, your data is protected against physical damage that can happen with floods, fires, or other disasters.

These data centers have improved due to greater scalability, lower security costs, and time saved by computing faster than ever. They have led to an evolution in the way cloud service providers adapt innovative security measures.

5. Artificial Intelligence: Making Cloud Security Smarter

Over the past few years, the role of AI in the protection of cloud data and applications has received more attention from industry IT professionals. Artificial intelligence quickly detects security vulnerabilities and then implements solutions to prevent the compromising of data and applications.

Simulations of cloud drive and cloud storage security systems allow cloud service providers to enact tougher security measures. With AI on your side, data security measures can be attended to 24/7, leaving fewer and fewer gaps of vulnerability for security mishaps.

Trinity Values Data Protection

Cloud solutions are continuously improving security. Since Trinity leverages the Quickbase platform in application development, these apps enjoy the protections that Quickbase provides. Quickbase has a growing set of thorough security measures:

  • Background checks and security training of Quickbase staff
  • Regular penetration testing to continuously optimize and tighten security on their end
  • Encryption of data that’s in motion or at rest
  • Maintenance of up-to-date data backups
  • Automated incident detection
  • Dedicated security incident response team

Your company will save both time and money, as well as improve security, by working with the team of Quickbase experts at Trinity.

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