10 Steps To Improve Your Workflow and Optimize Productivity

From the time your team gets to work, until the time everyone heads home, they strive to get as much done as possible. Every task in the day supports the purpose of growing your business. Or at least they should be.


You want every department to be working efficiently and effectively, constantly evaluating ways of how to improve their workflow. Optimization is about taking existing processes, evaluating them and making necessary adjustments, thus improving workflow productivity.


Why is Optimization Crucial to Business Workflow?


Every business is concerned about growth.  However, growth can’t occur if you don’t have a well-oiled machine. When your team works together, productivity ensues. But if one gear is out of place, it can cause a chain reaction that results in operational breakdown. Your company’s workflow patterns determine the failure or success of the company.


Pictures of Poor Workflow


When a company has poor workflow issues, its evident in many areas of your business. Examples of poor workflow might be:

  • Encountering Obstacles – When a team has an operational breakdown, work processes halt. Whether it is a misplaced file, scheduling mishap, or technical issue, the business cycle freezes until the issue is resolved.
  • Inefficient Operations Team members doing work that is inefficient or even not needed can cause slowdowns in your operation.  It can also cause issues between team members.
  • Lost Business – By having the appearance of incapability, potential or existing customers will have reservations about conducting business with you.
  • Haphazardly Run – This team has no cohesion, causing everyone to run in circles thinking they are being productive. Without clear communication, nothing gets done.


Pictures of Positive Workflow


When a company knows how to improve workflow and executes it, issues are handled quickly and efficiently. Examples of a company with positive workflow:

  • Handles obstacles – This team has a plan for any contingency. Once a problem arises, they act accordingly to get back on track.
  • Enables Business Growth – A prepared team can expect growth. The ability to work efficiently has set them up to attract and be able to handle more success.
  • Runs Smooth – Through defined processes, they optimize their workflow to get the most done within the time allotted.


If you are a business owner or lead a team at your company and your company suffers from breakdowns, slowdowns, lost clients, unhappy team members, and revenue issues, the following steps will assist you in improving workflow and productivity.


The 10 Steps of How to Improve Workflow


  1. Identify the Need


You can’t begin to change unless you identify what issues need resolution. You don’t need to know where the problem is, but you do need to recognize that inefficiencies exist within your existing processes.


  1. Map Out Your Current Workflow


What are you doing? How are you attracting clients? What are your procedures to complete a business transaction? Document everything.


This process should include the time it takes to complete each process. Business workflow is dependent on time. Determining where your time and efforts are focused will reveal what you feel is most important to business success.


  1. Analyze


Once you have mapped out your workflow, analyze it. Look for where the kinks are: processes taking longer than they should and areas where you see potential for system breakdown.


  1. Collaborate

Remember, you are a team. Communication is key. When a team compares workflow notes, unnoticed issues can be brought to light. Only then can interdepartmental issues be addressed and dealt with.


  1. Generate Ideas for Solutions


Now that you know where the pitfalls are, begin to discuss methods, like Trinity’s discovery process, to improve efficiencies. This process also involves collaboration. When there are joint efforts to fix the malfunctioning gear, you have a greater chance of success.


  1. Compare and Contrast


You have identified the issue, found where the breakdown is occurring, analyzed the costs at stake, and discussed solutions. Next comes weighing each option.


Cost is going to drive your decision-making process. It’s imperative that you not only consider short term options but how this will prove beneficial for future profits.


  1. Call Trinity to Assist


Now is the time to call Trinity – the business workflow solution experts. We assist you in improving workflows and developing solutions to streamline your business processes like project management, issues management, business scheduling, compliance and much more.  


Customizing solutions on how to improve workflow will generate results like:

  • Overall workflows can be optimized.
  • As specific tasks are completed quicker, focus can be shifted to other areas.
  • Knowing each other’s schedule and being on the same page with your team can maximize productivity.
  • Communications, both internally and externally can be improved.
  • Compliance issues can be alleviated.


  1. Remap New Workflow and Compare


Once you have implemented your customized changes, allow some time for the adjustments to take place. How does it look? Are there notable improvements? Are there still potential roadblocks that need to be resolved?


  1. Adjust if Needed


Implementing a new procedure is always a process. Adjustments may need to be made. Trinity can be with you every step of the way. Through regular evaluation, you can stay on top of technological advancements that keep you cutting edge in your industry.


  1. Enjoy the Success of Optimized Productivity


By completing, implementing, and reevaluating this cycle, you can enjoy the success of your business. You are the picture of a positive workflow. With an optimized workflow process, you can improve the efficiency of all business tasks. This will, in turn, streamline the productivity of your employees.


Trinity Creates Solutions to Optimize Productivity


Trinity is a Gold Partner Quickbase Solution Provider. We work with companies like yours to streamline business processes and develop solutions that meet your exact needs.  We care about how your business succeeds. We go beyond the title of consultant; we have a passion for getting to know you and your business process objectives by asking real questions:


  • What are your business goals?
  • What obstacles are you facing and what frustrates you?
  • What processes are wasting you and your employees’ time?
  • What do you want to spend your valuable time focusing on?


We create  apps that are customized to your company niche and where future potential lies. Our top priority is delivering excellent solutions.

Trinity’s Tools Are Made with Productivity In Mind

Trinity’s user-friendly, cloud-based applications assist your business in working more efficiently, at a lower cost than traditional methods.


Flexibility and scalability are integral to these solutions, since Trinity understands that growing businesses evolve over time. For over 21 years, Trinity has worked with clients to improve their efficiency, increase service levels, and upgrade their quality of output.


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