How Quickbase Healthcare Software Benefits Your Practice

One industry that stirs up debate in the U.S. is the healthcare industry. Everyone has an opinion. Even Presidential campaigns are built around what needs to be done within the healthcare market. With everyone’s hand in the pot, it makes health care confusing.

Thus, all the complexities that surround reform and control lead to productivity issues for providers. And the continued lack of participation in healthcare software solutions has a profound effect on insurance companies, facilities, and medical staff.

The Unique Perspective of the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry faces many of the same productivity issues corporations deal with. However, certain intricacies are far more complicated than a cost/budget analysis. These areas include:

  • Costs
  • Staffing
  • Communication
  • Specialized Equipment
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • HIPAA Compliance

Healthcare is ultimately about the end user; the patient. Each of these areas has an impact on quality of care. No other industry has more weighing on its performance.

In the medical field, one bad experience can mean the difference between life and death – Insurance companies, healthcare facilities, and their staff must have nearly flawless execution.

How the Healthcare Industry Is Impacted by Productivity Issues

From revenue cycle management to regulatory compliance, a healthcare organization suffers when it lacks the technological advancement other industries are using to track productivity.


According to McKinsey and Company, the U.S. spends 18% of its GDP on health care. This spending is on the supply side – the who, what and how services are provided.

While it is beneficial to view the cost increase in the quantity of services, careful consideration must be taken on the demand side – the quality of service to the patients receiving care.

Only when deficiencies are identified can measures be taken to regain control over spending issues.

Provider Communication

The consumer treats health care like they treat car insurance; they policy hop in the hope of spending less. This can often mean switching medical providers.

When there is a breakdown in communication between medical providers, this can be fatal to a patient with a serious medical condition.  

Medical errors account for 400,000 deaths and 10,000 complications per year. 80% of those were due to miscommunication between caregivers.

There needs to be a way to maintain a patient’s record that is easier to transfer to other providers, rather than have multiple error-prone paper files.

Data Governance

As patients move from doctor to doctor due to a variety of reasons, there is danger of duplicating a patient’s medical file. According to a recent AHIMA survey, 57% of respondents regularly work on mitigating duplicate files regularly.

Knowing if a patient is allergic to a medicine or has a metal implant can be a serious issue during some treatments. All medical facilities must have processes that ensure all electronic medical records are accurate to render proper treatment.

Federal Regulations

Productivity can be complicated by federal regulation. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) ensures the privacy of medical records.

Unfortunately, compliance can contribute to inaccurate treatment of a patient due to the inability to share patient files openly with other providers.

Therefore, it is imperative that data governance is in place while adhering to the stipulation of HIPAA. Giving for the quality, accessibility, accuracy, and expediency of Electronic Health Records (EHR), there must be a happy medium to the process.

Skill Mix

According to a Modern Healthcare editorial, the medical field has severe labor mismanagement. This is reflected in staffing; having four doctors to every nurse, when it should be the opposite.

The editorial stated that the employment mix inside hospitals does not reflect the best use of resources. Doctor vs. Staffing Ratio is unbalanced, resulting in productivity issues and lack of efficient patient care.

Using resources to the patient’s advantage means having the staffing needed to meet the needs of the hospital and services needed for proper patient care. That balance includes managing existing staff and bringing a new hire up to speed on medical practice functions as well as ensuring compliance with licensing and required training for their position.

All these factors contribute to the frustration with the healthcare system. These three facts can help you overcome each obstacle:

  • Having a fluid functioning office management solution can increase efficiencies that help provide better care to your patients.
  • Having the right workflow solution can help your practice with staffing coordination, billing, patient information, and patient experience.
  • Having a secure documentation software solution in place to protect access to every facet of your practice, including legal and regulatory compliance.

And Quickbase is the solution that can give you the functionality your practice needs.

What is Quickbase?

Quickbase is an application development platform that gives you and your team access to current company information, through pre-built or custom-made applications. Apps are tailored to the way you run your practice.

You do not need to be a technological wizard to use these Quickbase healthcare software applications. All apps developed are low-code or no-code. This means they are simple to create, user-friendly, and can be integrated into most programs you are currently running.

Quickbase uses a cloud-based platform to:

  • Automate and streamline healthcare business processes.
  • Offer a centralized location for storing company data that can be accessed from anywhere you have an internet connection.
  • Have real-time updates of audit reports, patient medical records, and staff scheduling.

Quickbase Healthcare Software and HIPAA Compliance

Quickbase relies on state-of-the-art healthcare software encryption. They follow strict compliance standards that spills over into HIPAA Compliance.

They value PHI (Personal Health Information) to the highest degree. Through independent audits, they have earned some of the strictest compliance certifications, including SOC 1, SOC 2, HIPAA, DFARS, and EU-US Privacy Shield.

Quickbase enables clients to build their custom web-based apps according HIPAA compliance.


Quickbase Solutions to Overcome Healthcare Industry Challenges

Quickbase helps even the inexperienced staff member improve workflow productivity through:

1. Improved visibility of real-time data

With Quickbase, there is no confusion on staff scheduling, patient appointments and files, and billing. Time is not wasted hunting down a file or test result, when submitted to the cloud it is in the patient’s file, and accessible the minute it is submitted.

2. Cost savings

When patient files and compliance documents are stored in a central location, there is no payroll wasted waiting for information from another facility.

With scheduling software, you can know that your office is properly staffed with the correct balance to increase patient care quality.  

Proper documentation allows you to see where spending can be adjusted to maximize the workflow process and help with inventory management; keeping the office stocked with needed supplies.

3. Better resource allocation

Knowing where your office stands on supplies, equipment usage, and availability increases the productivity of your practice. Having organization at your fingertips keeps your team working efficiently.

You can also track maintenance and repair schedules of essential equipment.

4. Detailed audits and reports

You can create detailed reports that help you share the information you need to submit regularly. Exhaustive audits and patient billing records are easily compiled without sifting through multiple paper documents to obtain one piece of information.

5. HR onboarding support

One of the greatest benefits about Quickbase for the healthcare industry is how it functions with Human Resource onboarding. It allows you to keep your compliance, new hire training, and licensing in one location. You will know that your nursing staff is up to date and compliant with healthcare mandates.

6. Secure regulatory compliance capabilities

You are in control of who can access, add, and modify information stored. From scheduling to PHI data entry, you decide who can make changes to client files. You can also create automated workflow processes.

A scheduling app can notify you of upcoming regulatory deadlines, licensing expiration dates, and important dates to keep you compliant with HIPAA and other governing agencies.

7. HIPPA compliance

Quickbase maintains a high level of security that follows HIPAA regulations. Of course, there is always risk, but the risk comes on the user end and proper training your staff can prevent PHI vulnerability.

Trinity Serves the Healthcare Industry

Trinity develops Quickbase solutions, tailored to our client’s needs. We provide user-friendly cloud-based applications that assist your healthcare practice to work more efficiently, at a lower cost than traditional paper methods.

We have proven experience in serving professionals in the healthcare industry.

Check out our case study on SEVATI Therapeutics where we were able to automate many of their business processes, ultimately improving therapist utilization by 20% and increasing the speed of billing cycles by 21 days.

TrinityScan: Keeping track of medical inventory becomes easier and time efficient than using printed checklists and manual data entry. TrinityScan also cuts down on inaccurate counts and ordering, since many products look similar but vary by a simple feature.

TrinityCalendar: Manage your appointment schedule and make changes globally for anyone who has access. Your office staff will know about changes to patient appointments and schedules instantly — no more worrying about unread memos or email. Shared calendars also prevent scheduling conflicts.

TrinitySync: With Quickbase healthcare management software, everything syncs enterprise-wide to the cloud: Electronic Health Records (EHR), scheduling, and inventories. Even Legal Compliance is accessible from anywhere you have an internet connection. Cloud-based storage allows your team access to information with no redundant files as with duplicated paper documents. There is no wondering who has up-to-date information; everyone does.

Trinity is a Quickbase Gold Partner and  2019 Quickbase Solution Provider of the Year. Flexibility and scalability are integral to these solutions, since Trinity understands that growing businesses evolve over time. For over 21 years, Trinity has worked with clients to improve their efficiency, increase service levels, and upgrade their quality of output.

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