Early Stages

Early Stages is a program of the DC Public Schools and can serve any child who goes to a DC public school, is home-schooled, or has not yet entered the school system.

Early Stages | TrinityCalendar

The Early Stages team was using a proprietary scheduling platform that allowed them to schedule clients and staff members for appointments but had no effective reporting functionality. They were facing high no-show rates but could not analyze the data to help them understand what might be contributing factors.

Additionally, leadership could not easily compare staff workloads or document off-schedule work while in the field. In short, Early Stages was wasting resources and not capturing the full range of staff work.

TrinityCalendar was integrated into the Early Stages Quickbase application utilizing a drag and drop solution that significantly improved the method of scheduling and reporting. The application gave the Early Stages team the ability to visually schedule clients and supporting staff resources, providing immediate benefits to the entire team.

We not only were able to achieve our reporting goals, but also, with the scheduling system integrated, we eliminated duplicate efforts for front-end users and realized efficiencies there too"
Sean Compagnucci
Executive Director
Trinity Calendar was integrated into the Early Stages Quickbase application utilizing a drag and drop solution that significantly improved the method of scheduling and reporting.
  • Early Stages can now identify trends and take action
  • More equitable staff workloads based on actual attendance data
  • A notable decrease in staff frustration due to data entry errors


  • Early Stages can now identify trends and take action to address any concerns much earlier in the process
  • Appointment scheduling utilization is much higher due to the visual features of the TrinityCalendar
  • More equitable staff workloads based on actual client attendance data and the capture of other work outputs
  • A notable decrease in staff frustration and data entry errors, paired with an increase in staff efficiencies, are realized with the TrinityCalendar