The Extensive Reach of Quickbase API Integration

The business world is filled with acronyms — ROI, CRM, PR, and ERP just to name a few. All of these play an important part in how your business succeeds.

With the rise in technology, those terms take on new meaning. Business today is often conducted through cloud-based technology.

And the new trend of the business cycle involves a new acronym; API.

What is API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface.

To put it in the simplest of terms, API is the method different cloud-based programs, applications, and systems talk to each other.

It is the computer language that enables programs like Zoom video conferencing to work together with your Google Calendar.

Another example would be how your Facebook and Instagram accounts can be linked. When you post to your Instagram account, via an API it also posts to your Facebook at the same time.

This is all possible due to APIs.

What is API Integration?

As in our Facebook/Instagram example, the two accounts are linked together through APIs. This process is called API Integration.

Not only is API Integration beneficial to keep your social media statuses up to date, it is also applicable within business processes.

What does API Integration Allow Business Professionals to Do?

API allows business users to integrate Quickbase applications with other software solutions. There are over 150 applications that can integrate with Quickbase, relating to accounting, CRM, document storage, case management, project management, and much more!

For example, many Quickbase users want an API integration with their accounting software. This integration allows companies to communicate data between the two systems. Then they can easily share data for Purchase Orders, invoices, bills, vendors, and customers.

What Are the Benefits of an API Integration?

When all of your programs can talk to each other, it will streamline business processes. This will increase productivity and therefore save your company money.

Whether it is a web API or a local server that holds company documents, time is saved by having a centralized location for information storage and the ability to quickly access and make use of that information.

Why Would You Need an API integration?

A company needs API integration if they have multiple software applications that are segregated. You may have data in one system that another system requires. An API integration will allow this data to be utilized from all the relevant systems.

The more APIs you have running, the more you need a centralized location to run these programs together – thus you need integration.

Quickbase takes the external applications you are currently running and uses that information to inform your new custom Quickbase applications, tailored to how your business is run.

Get Advanced Functionality with Quickbase API Integration

By utilizing Quickbase API integration, you will improve:

  • Productivity – Streamline business processes through user-friendly applications.
  • Accessibility – The ability to easily access information when needed through cloud-based platforms.
  • Real-Time Reporting – Everything is up to date. There is little to no lag time
  • Agility – By having API integration in place, you can quickly and seamlessly adjust your business process as business trends change.

Trinity and Quickbase API Integrations

Trinity is a Quickbase Solution Provider. We embrace innovation through helping your company develop custom applications on the Quickbase platform and using API integration to connect to the existing programs your business is already using.

Using the Quickbase API can resolve many of the productivity issues companies face today.

Trinity API integration provides:

  • Cost Savings – Lower operating and maintenance costs, as well as enduring expenses. A life cycle approach means that the utility always gets the most assets for its money.
  • Operational Efficiency – Streamline your core processes effectively and respond to changing market forces in a cost-efficient approach.
  • Multi-site Integration – Businesses with multiple sites or data centers can easily deliver information required by your business teams, insurers, auditors, finance executives, or others for simplified reporting.

Trinity is a Quickbase Gold Partner and 2019 Quickbase Solution Provider of the Year. Flexibility and scalability are integral to these solutions, since Trinity understands that growing businesses evolve over time.

For over 21 years, Trinity has worked with clients to improve their efficiency, increase service levels, and upgrade their quality of output.

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