How to Use BPI in Customer Service Strategies

Your organization’s customer experience strategy is inextricably linked to business process improvement (BPI). Customers mean success, after all, and creating opportunities for retention is essential for an organization’s long-term growth.

A focus on creating ways for BPI and customer service to link more organically is just smart business sense. We’ll explain why BPI is vital to the customer experience and how to use it with CRM in mind.

What is Business Process Improvement (BPI)?

So what is BPI? BPI is meant to encourage continuous improvement. For example, improving functions at a company to make products, customer service, and business operations better.

That can often mean identifying inefficiencies, creating ways for operations to run more smoothly, and improving company workflow. Customer-focused BPI can mean identifying barriers that may hamper company growth down the line—also, strategizing for meaningful customer interactions.

How to Embrace Customer-Focused BPI 

There’s a lot a business has to consider when making operational changes. Before making a change, consider the impact on: 

  • Compliance with local regulations.
  • The company’s overall goals.
  • Whether changes even make sense in an organization.

To enhance customer experience strategies using BPI, start with creating a customer-focused culture.

A Customized Approach

Create a customer relationship management strategy that anticipates their needs, meets customer expectations and recognizes the value in the customer experience.

Companies can use BPI in customer service to create data-based strategies and follow any changes on the customer experience side. Your strategy will require some flexibility and a willingness to act when improvements need to be made.

Stay Flexible

Over the last year, businesses that focused on innovative solutions were able to thrive. Their success emphasizes why companies need to adapt to challenges within the market landscape quickly. 

Companies should undoubtedly have stated goals in mind when pursuing any business process improvements. Management should evaluate actions that move an organization away from those goals. Lastly, a company’s customer experience strategy should always be focused on data-based decisions and improvements.

Three employees meet to discuss BPI in their customer service strategy.

Monitor Incoming Data

So you’ve made changes based on information available at the time, but where is the company now? Where are customer preferences today? It’s important to monitor and adjust for additional BPI as needed. After all, customer needs change, and a company’s strategies should change alongside those needs to remain competitive. 

Companies should also measure their return on investment no matter how small the change. Did widespread changes make sense, creating a more profitable environment at an organization?

Ideally, improvements on the customer service end would mean additional profits for a company. It’s essential to monitor any investments, however, even the small ones, to ensure they remain a boost to an organization.

Innovation Within Optimization

Companies that innovate are future-thinking, with long-term goals behind any decisions made on the BPI side. A focus on innovation, however, requires a high degree of operational agility. Technologies are ever-changing, and choosing the paths forward that is right for a company can be challenging.

With a focus on the customer service side, innovation and the adoption of available tools and technologies can become more manageable. 

Innovative tools that make your business more efficient can also create pathways for more meaningful interaction with the customer base. That can be as simple as enhancing a customer’s interactions with a company by improving the mobile customer experience.

Choose Tools That Make Sense

Companies should use existing technologies to define workflows better and make remote work easier. Keep teams in sync to avoid miscommunication down the line that could negatively affect the customer experience.

The Quickbase platform is a solution that streamlines business processes that are unique to your organization. Communication is improved along the way, a key component of strong customer engagement.

Explore BPI with Trinity

At Trinity, our focus always begins with BPI. Only with an exceptional understanding of our client’s unique needs and long-term business process goals can robust, customized solutions be developed. With this approach, Trinity can provide your business with a solution that enables growth within your organization and increased customer satisfaction.