Trinity’s Quickbase App Development Process

Many kinds of software solutions are quick and easy to set up and provide fixes to everyday business process problems. However, not every app is suitable for every user. That’s why over 6,000 companies use Quickbase as their low-code platform that is customizable to their unique business processes. 

For companies without access to expert coders, Quickbase app development is the ideal solution. You’ll see why a platform like Quickbase wins out when comparing customs apps vs. off-the-shelf software solutions.

What Is Quickbase?

Quickbase is a low-code application platform that can gain real-time insights and automate across platforms. In addition, Quickbase is customizable and responsive. The platform allows a company to create unique business applications that meet the needs of a workplace. Whether that’s the automation of workflows, steps toward digital transformation, or data tracking, Quickbase applications are a fantastic software solution.

Quickbase App Development: Steps to Create Custom Apps with Trinity

As with all application development platforms, there are a few steps to Quickbase app development that make the process seamless.

Requirements Definition

The first step of any development project is defining requirements for that project and mapping out a process for bringing a project to fruition.

In app development, that means defining your business processes and creating a table structure based on project goals, and working within an organization’s existing systems.  

Trinity’s Responsibilities

We’ll help capture your vision for how your processes should be going forward and define a table structure for your app that makes sense for your business. Trinity will spend time learning about existing workflows and business processes to provide ongoing support around app development and potential improvements down the line. From there, we’ll help capture your vision for how your processes should be going forward and define a table structure for your app that makes sense for your business.

This vision will allow your business to grow long-term while improving efficiencies and customer service levels in the short term.

Your Responsibilities

Engagement in the development process is essential, particularly in this initial phase as we gather feedback goals for the app. We’ll also need your approval of any requirements before moving forward.

Roles and Permissions

Roles and permissions refer to anyone using the app and any specific permissions that need to be put into place ahead of your app’s launch. There may be particular individuals who have editing or administrative permissions, such as others limited to viewing only.

Trinity’s Responsibilities

We’ll explain any differences in access to the app and how to make sure necessary individuals have access as appropriate, whether that means editing or viewing permissions. We’ll also give you a primer on how role permissions can be applied to customize your app. 

Common permissions, for example, can be applied at the Table, Record, or Field level, control adding or deleting records, saving reports, or customizing field properties within the app.

Your Responsibilities

Your project team will need to identify roles and permissions for the app and share those with us. This may mean conversations around roles and responsibilities, identifying citizen developers, and how to assign roles to make ongoing app development and use seamless and efficient. 

Citizen developers working on an app update.


Trinity embraces the iterative development method for all our projects. Instead of developing the client’s solution in isolation for a few weeks or months then bringing it to you for approval, we develop portions of the project in stages. At the completion of each stage, we ask the client’s project team to test and provide feedback; then, we make the appropriate changes as needed. Once the client approves everything, we move on to the next stage of development. 

In many cases, we can work on multiple stages of development concurrently. 

Trinity’s Responsibilities

As the app is developed, we will keep you informed on opportunities to see the app at work while it’s in progress. In addition, any feedback we receive at those early development stages will be incorporated before the completion of the app.

If anything comes up as part of the development process outside the original project’s scope, we’ll document those findings as they may be valuable for future enhancements.

Our goal here is transparency and creating open lines of communication for a successful project. We’ll be meeting with any key team members regularly to make sure that happens.

Your Responsibilities

Your feedback is essential here. You’ll need to be open to scheduling and attending any review sessions to incorporate your input into the result. We’ll have you testing the app thoroughly in the next phase, but you will be asked to test components along the way.


Testing will occur while the app is in development and once the finished project is received. This is a critical component in identifying any last-minute changes before app implementation. 

Trinity’s Responsibilities

We’ll be making sure that testing is available at all stages of app development and that relevant team members all have access to test all components of app functionality. 

Once app development is complete, we’ll run end-to-end testing to ensure the Quickbase app is running correctly on our end.

Your Responsibilities

You know your organization best. Testing the app will allow you to see that each component is working as expected. We’ll ask for thorough testing on your part to identify whether any final changes are needed and that the app was designed as you intended. 


We won’t cut you loose once the app is developed. Instead, Trinity will see you through training sessions to make sure anyone who needs access to the app knows how to use it and would be able to train others in using the app as well.

Trinity’s Responsibilities 

On top of training team members, we’ll share strategies around employee buy-in and effective app implementation. 

We’ve found that an app’s rollout is most successful when key stakeholders have access to project status along the way and are allowed opportunities for feedback ahead of app implementation.

Your Responsibilities 

Communicating your feedback to us is undoubtedly important, but it’s also important to develop strategies to share the app development process with your organization. 

We know the strategies that work best, thanks to years of experience in the field when it comes to user training. Implementing those strategies will serve you best and kickstart success for your app.

Employees meeting to discuss a new Quickbase app.

Rollout and Support

Training is complete, and key stakeholders have access to the new app. As the rollout begins, issues may still arise with more users accessing the new app. Support is there to smooth the transition.

Trinity’s Responsibilities 

We provide support through the end to make any final changes after the app’s rollout. That can mean minor tweaks that improve the app’s functionality or usability by a broader range of users. In addition, we’ll retest any fixes to identified issues. 

Your Responsibilities

We’ll need your help in identifying any enhancements needed following the app’s launch at your organization. Issues should come with documentation around when problems occur and workflows affected. After fixes on our end, we’ll need support in testing any changes to ensure the app is operating as it should.

Benefits of Customized Solutions

The benefits of custom business software like Quickbase are numerous. For instance, you can create tailored plans to meet short and long-term goals, focus on efficiency, and integrate with work systems with a platform as a service. 

Quickbase capabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Automating manual processes like paper-based spreadsheets, signature collection, or inventory sheets.
  • Creating tools that allow for remote work to happen more seamlessly and securely
  • Integrating solutions across teams and departments
  • Tracking data, inventory, and budgeting
  • Centralizing scheduling, task management, and workflows

Working with a Quickbase solution provider like Trinity is an ideal way to take advantage of the benefits.

Working With a Certified Quickbase Solution Provider

At Trinity, we use Quickbase as our application development platform. In our eyes, Quickbase is the ideal business process solution. It’s a flexible tool that has proven to enable agile operations no matter the size of a business.

If you’re ready to see what Quickbase can do for your business, explore our services packages. Trinity creates custom software solutions that are suited to your business processes and long-term growth.