How Quickbase Can Benefit Your Construction Business

According to McKinsey and Company, the construction industry employs about seven percent of the world’s working-age population. Yet, it is one of the least digitized industries.

The lack of tracking resources keeps productivity stagnant. While materials and tools continue to modernize, the means of tracking contracts, workers, assets and progress are primarily still done on paper; with very little digitization.

These paper processes slow a company’s progress and cost precious time and money.

The Unique Perspective of the Construction Industry

One thing about the construction industry is true; time is money. No other industry can relate more to the overused adage.

Projects are awarded based on time and money. It is always about who can get the job done the fastest at the lowest cost. There are multiple facets to consider when a construction company is making bids:

  • Materials
  • Labor
  • Dates and Deadlines
  • Permits
  • Detailed Plans

With each of these factors, cost is the common denominator. For a company to properly bid on a project, they must have a grasp of how to meet the figures they are proposing.

It would make sense to have a means of controlling each factor. Yet, as we opened with, the construction industry lacks digitization.

These companies are falling behind in productivity and eventually will lose contracts to the construction company who is keeping up with the times.

How the Construction Industry Suffers from Productivity Issues

Each individual company deals with productivity issues differently. Here are some common threads to all in the construction business:


According to the JB Knowledge 5th Annual Construction Technology Report, nearly 60% of construction companies are not investigating any new technologies. The overall feeling of “if it ain’t broken, why fix it?” prevails.

The same report surveyed employees. Many suggested integrated project management and digital methods to capture the progress made on job sites. They feel management’s fear of change keeps them in a disorganized state.


52% of rework is caused by poor project data and miscommunication. This fact contributed to over $31 billion of rework in 2018.


Just 25% of projects came within 10% of their original deadlines in the past three years. And only 31% of all projects came within 10% of their original budget in the past three years.


75% of construction companies provide Project Managers and field superintendents with mobile devices. However, only 29% use mobile applications routinely on all their projects.


82% of owners feel they need more collaboration with their contractors. This lack of communication can lead to errors because the average of 35% of all construction projects will have a major change.


78% of engineering and construction companies believe that project risks are increasing. The risks include failing to meet deadlines, being over budget, and working less safe to complete the first two.

Technology is the source to streamline processes and innovation. As technology advances, so must the way construction companies approach these inherent risks.


56% of builders reported that they were suffering due to the effects of the skilled labor shortage. Therefore, the construction industry experiences one of the highest turnover rates; 21.4% industry-wide.

From workers lacking the training and certifications needed, to the company losing contracts due to poor productivity, the industry as a whole suffers as workers leave in droves.

Owners, builders, and workers themselves all agree there needs to be some advances in the way construction businesses function on a day to day basis. And it seems that technology is the key.

From managing projects to purchase orders, there needs to be further investigation into new technologies. A technological platform can assist with organization and communication processes.

This will increase productivity and help reduce the inherent risks of the construction industry. And Quickbase Solutions are the key.

What is Quickbase?

Quickbase is an application development platform that provides access to current company information, through custom applications. Apps are tailored to the way you run your construction business.

Quickbase is a cloud-based platform used by thousands of companies to automate and streamline business processes. A cloud-based platform offers a centralized location for storing company data that can be accessed from anywhere you have an internet connection.

Since information is in the cloud, users have real-time updates of reports, documentation, and scheduling.

Quickbase Solutions for Construction Industry Challenges

Having a web-based connection to schematics, materials, labor costs, and tracking progress can increase your construction company’s productivity and allow you to meet those budgetary and time-sensitive deadlines.

Trinity offers Quickbase solutions for:

  • Equipment and Materials Tracking – Gain better control of your assets and inventory to stay on budget.
  • Cost Management – Keep up with project expenses, from anywhere, on any device – in real-time.
  • Project Management – Share project status and documents across teams or job sites.
  • Vendor/Contract Management – Manage subcontractors and contracts from one central place.
  • Estimate Creation – Accurately estimate project cost based on real-time and historical data.
  • Automated Time Cards – Reduce payroll time and errors.

With construction management software, you can effectively monitor your project’s progress, keep up-to-date with schematic changes, and your permits are held in your hand.

And with the information from previous projects, your bid manager can accurately forecast the cost of your services, from the cost of materials to the cost of labor.

Trinity for the Quickbase Construction Business Solutions

Trinity is a Quickbase Service Provider. We can provide you with user-friendly, cloud-based solutions that assist your construction business in working more efficiently, at a lower cost than traditional paper methods.

Just a sample of the range of Trinity’s low-code Construction industry management software:

TrinityMobile: Using a custom Android or iOS application integrated with your Quickbase application, you can manage inventory and assets, scheduling, project deadlines, document management, expenses, and much more. Whether it is having access to project data, important documents, or eliminating the pain of waiting for an email or fax, TrinityMobile solutions are designed to improve any inefficient processes that are causing you pain today

TrinityScan: Integrated with TrinityMobile, or using a USB or Bluetooth scanner on the web interface of Quickbase, TrinityScan is a powerful barcode scanning solution. Here are just a few of the barcodes TrinityScan works with:

  • EAN
  • UPC
  • VIN
  • Code 39
  • Code 128

Keeping track of material inventory becomes easier and time efficient than using printed checklists and manual data entry. TrinityScan also cuts down on inaccurate counts and ordering, since many products look similar but vary by a simple feature.

TrinityCalendar: Manage your scheduling deadlines and make changes globally for anyone who has access. Your construction management team will know about changes to project dates instantly — no more worrying about unread memos or email. Shared calendars also prevent scheduling conflicts.

Trinity customizes solutions specific to your company’s needs and future goals. Our top priority is delivering solutions that dramatically improve your business processes. As your business process improvement consultant first, we discover new needs through technological advancements, client growth, and changes in customer vision. We can provide a smooth transition as they implement new solutions.

Flexibility and scalability are integral to these solutions, since Trinity understands that growing businesses evolve over time. For over 21 years, Trinity has worked with clients to improve their efficiency, increase service levels, and upgrade their quality of output.

Trinity is a Quickbase Gold Partner with over 15 years of Quickbase experience developing solutions for their clients. To get more info visit You can also email us at or call us at (214) 304-2498. Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have, give you a demo, or get you started on your 30-day free trial.

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