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Whether you’re doing surveys, audits, or questionnaires, with TrinitySurvey, businesses can design their own CRM survey and have the ability to collect and report on the exact data needed. CRM is one of the most effective tools for customer retention and satisfaction. Find out how TrinitySurvey can benefit you today!

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TrinitySurvey is a flexible CRM Survey tool that enables teams to:

Survey App
Quick Base Survey App
  • DESIGN custom surveys / checklists / questionnaires / audits
  • ASSIGN surveys to individuals
  • EFFICIENTLY complete surveys and add notes
  • MEASURE surveys results
  • EASILY CUSTOMIZE survey response options

See the Results!

Below is what TrinitySurvey can deliver to you. Accurate, un-biased data from real customers that allows you to further your CRM approach.

Question Answer
Overall how valuable did you find EMPOWER 2017? Extremely valuable
What are the biggest barriers, if any to increased adoption of citizen development at your organization? Budget Issue
In your opinion, to what degree do your IT leaders support citizen development at your organization? Very Much
In the past year, did you collaborate on building apps with someone outside of your functional area? Yes
How many people build Quickbase apps in your organization? 4
What percentage of your work week is typically spent in Quickbase? 0.25
Quickbase has the right features and capabilities for my business. 9
Quickbase is easy to use. 10
Quickbase is easily customizable. 10
The following questions related to mobile applications only. Would you like to answer? No
Give us a star 5
Final Thoughts? I learned a lot at EMPOWER and cannot wait to take this back and apply to our company aaps!

Conduct Surveys With Ease

Contact Trinity to learn more about CRM survey implementation with TrinitySurvey. Trinity supports all Quickbase applications and works with clients to implement our systems with existing platforms.