5 Tips for Handling a Changing Workplace

Times are changing and the business world is scrambling to keep up. These are strange times indeed and managers need to react quickly to keep their teams working efficiently. 

Let’s be honest: as enjoyable as it is to work from home in your pajamas, it can often be difficult to remotely manage a workforce and stay productive. 

Some organizations will thrive in this environment. In fact, companies such as Twitter and Square have officially told employees that they can permanently work from home. As a result, the goal of this article is to help you survive and thrive with changing team dynamics in this brave new world that we are facing. 

Let’s look at 5 ways that your company can move forward in today’s changing workplace. 

1. Embrace the Cloud

2020 has become an ideal year to make the switch towards digitizing your entire workflow. This includes apps, storage, communications, and operations. 

While it is true that a migration can be difficult at first, it is also equally true that the efficiency gained can be massively rewarding. Using platforms such as Quickbase, it is possible to design customized software applications to centralize, streamline, and future-proof your business operations. 

In the case of cloud-based technology, you can keep your entire business operation connected and lower your company’s IT costs. 

On top of money saved, using a cloud workspace gives access to scalability, consistent backups, encryption, and emergency backups. Luckily, adopting a cloud workspace is straightforward and usually involves minimal training time for workers. 

This is all great. But truly, the beauty of having a cloud-based system means that you finally have access to total flexibility for your workforce. Everyone can access the same servers from across the world and manage virtually any business function, giving your company full control over your future.

2. It’s Time to Go Paperless

Going paperless is like migrating over to the cloud. At Trinity, we help our clients utilize web-based form technology to gather and exchange information or use document assembly software to create customized documents. Having a paperless company enables your workforce to get things done. Fast. 

Digital collaboration and paperwork are made easy without having to store tons of documents in a physical office space. Plus, your accounting team will be grateful to have everything digitally available: sending and receiving invoices, payments, and common accounting functions can all be done on the cloud.

3. Customized Software for Scalability

Customized business process solutions are our specialty. We love helping clients tackle customized software that makes scaling easy. Off-the-shelf software platforms typically have a limited capacity for scaling and customization. It’s important to consider your long-term goals.

Picture this: your team is adjusting to remote working. You want to encourage business growth and are not happy with your off-the-shelf software. At Trinity, we have helped companies across the world meet these challenges. Think of this pandemic as an opportunity to mobilize and take a proactive approach. 

As a Quickbase Solution Provider, we specialize in application development that is ideal for scaling. We can help your organization roll out software over a rapid timeline.

4. Prioritize Cybersecurity

You’ve probably heard about the insane amount of ransomware and cyberattacks attacks that have affected everyone from Apple to police departments across the United States. Cyberattacks usually are focused on accessing, changing, or destroying business information. 

As a result, we need to be vigilant concerning cybersecurity and only use encrypted technology to prevent or mitigate cyberattack risk. We can happily state that Quickbase obtained an A rating from SecurityScorecard, which is an independent security rating service that rates digital companies based on the strength and comprehensiveness of their platform security. 

Cybersecurity and encryption are huge. If you’re going to have your entire corporate operation based on the cloud or utilize digital web-based applications in any capacity, thoroughly examine the platform you work with. 

5. Embrace New Communication Methods

There are lots of applications that when utilized together can make your working life 100% easier. It’s funny how a simple combination of tools can vastly enhance the quality of output and efficiency of a company. 

The first step is to find a single platform that allows your team to pick and choose which apps they use. In our case, we have multiple Quickbase integrated apps that are designed to streamline your work life. These include: 

  • Online Scheduling: If your company wants an efficiency upgrade, check out an online calendar and scheduling tool. We recommend TrinityCalendar. The application is fully integrated with Quickbase and has streamlined scheduling and resource management features.
  • Digital Signatures: TrinitySignature is a Quickbase digital signature solution. Your team can use digital signatures to make signing forms and outputs fast and easy. Plus, you can utilize the tool inside the web version of Quickbase or Trinity can design a custom mobile app that integrates with Quickbase.
  • Virtual Meetings: We’re all probably familiar with virtual platforms to handle meetings remotely during this pandemic. We recommend examining the security credentials of your video conferencing platform

If your organization wants a guiding hand to help determine next steps during this changing time, we can help. Developing customized software is our forté. If you can define it – we can build it. 

Get in touch with Trinity and we can explore the options. 

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