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5 Industries That Benefit From Having Geocode Apps

October 21, 2020

Every single point on earth can be described with longitude and latitude. Google and Apple maps and many more platforms depend on this Geographic Information System (GIS) data to get consumers from place to place.  Businesses, too, can create geographic information system based apps to streamline processes, reduce costs, refine marketing initiatives, and more.   Street…

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Is Your Company’s Business Process Attracting Top Talent?

October 7, 2020

Top talent makes a huge difference in a company’s success. Given that the Covid19 pandemic is fast-tracking remote and online work, teams all over the world are refashioning their hiring process.   Due to increasing competition, most companies out there know that they need to position themselves as the ideal employer for on-site, remote, local, and…

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How to Manage a Remote Team: 5 Tools to Help

September 23, 2020

The average Millennial might not be aware of this, but the need for many of the resources we take for granted in the workplace was perceived by futurists and executives as early as the late 1970s. At that time, the globalization of business began in earnest, with overseas outsourcing occurring at an increasing rate, and…

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5 Strategies for Identifying Inefficiencies in Your Business

September 9, 2020

Executives, managers, and business owners alike all endeavor to cultivate workplaces that are streamlined, efficient, and productive. They’d like engaged, content workers and satisfied customers, happy to do repeat business with the company month after month.  And yet, every organization has some areas of inefficiency. Identifying business inefficiency can be a complex and grueling undertaking.…

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How Can You Encourage a Work-Life Balance for Your Remote Employees?

August 25, 2020

Changes in the workplace and the development of technologies like remote communications platforms and project management applications have facilitated the rise of virtual companies that don’t require brick-and-mortar facilities.  Recently, Twitter, SquareSpace, and several others have transitioned to a permanent remote work model. It wasn’t just the COVID-19 pandemic that led to this shift, however,…

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What is a Project Management Communication Plan?

June 19, 2020

In these strange times, companies around the world are learning how to balance their workforce and workflow either remotely or with social distancing measures in place. Many of our clients are approaching us to identify tools or techniques that can increase their company’s efficiency and effectiveness. This is why it’s more important than ever to…

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4 Ways to Show Your Employees That You Care

June 5, 2020

Many employers wonder: why is employee recognition important? Today we are looking at the best ways to show employees how much your firm appreciates them. Employee recognition leads to stronger brand loyalty, higher work performance, and lower turnover.    What makes people enjoy working at a company? Employees need: A sense of purpose that aligns…

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5 Tips for Handling a Changing Workplace

May 22, 2020

Times are changing and the business world is scrambling to keep up. These are strange times indeed and managers need to react quickly to keep their teams working efficiently.  Let’s be honest: as enjoyable as it is to work from home in your pajamas, it can often be difficult to remotely manage a workforce and…

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Man working from home on conference call

5 Ways the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Changed the Way People Work

April 24, 2020

We’re living in unprecedented times. In a few short months, the world has been altered forever, and every person on the planet is being forced to adapt. Now, the economy is facing a rough ride and businesses must adjust their operation strategy or become another casualty of the pandemic. Are you going to let this…

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Team having a video conference call

5 Tips for Remotely Managing Your Workforce During the COVID-19 Crisis

April 17, 2020

Imagine that you found a time machine and went back in time to the beginning of 2020. Imagine telling your co-workers that in a few months the whole company would be working from home, the economy would be on the brink of recession, and the entire world would be battling the biggest pandemic since 1918. …

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