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Quick Base Healthcare Software

How Quickbase Healthcare Software Benefits Your Practice

April 26, 2019

One industry that stirs up debate in the U.S. is the healthcare industry. Everyone has an opinion. Even Presidential campaigns are built around what needs to be done within the healthcare market. With everyone’s hand in the pot, it makes health care confusing. Thus, all the complexities that surround reform and control lead to productivity…

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asset management software quick base

Does Your Business Need Asset Management Software?

April 11, 2019

All companies have assets. If you are a multi-million-dollar corporation or a small startup, you have assets. With these assets, you conduct business that turns hard work into profit. The business cycle would not function without the regular use of company assets.   You may be wondering whether your business needs asset management software to…

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online scheduling application quick base

5 Unique Capabilities of an Online Scheduling Application

March 27, 2019

As technology advances, old dinosaurs become extinct. Before the days of online shared calendars, there were PDAs. Now, many businesses think a basic shared calendar will suffice. When you run a business, using these archaic devices can leave you left behind and damage your company’s reputation.   If it is just you with one schedule book,…

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Inventory management with barcode scanning

5 Ways To Improve Your Inventory Management With Barcode Scanning

March 26, 2019

Does your business efficiently deal with inventory? Asset tracking can be complicated, especially if you don’t have the right tools in place. However, if you’re struggling to develop the right processes, you’re not alone. Poor inventory management isn’t just stressful. It can result in lost customers and a damaged reputation. Don’t worry; there is a…

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optimize your workflow and optimize productivity

10 Steps To Improve Your Workflow and Optimize Productivity

March 7, 2019

From the time your team gets to work, until the time everyone heads home, they strive to get as much done as possible. Every task in the day supports the purpose of growing your business. Or at least they should be.   You want every department to be working efficiently and effectively, constantly evaluating ways…

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Quick Base Solution Provider Consultant

5 Benefits of Hiring a Quickbase Solution Provider

February 21, 2019

When you start to notice bottlenecks in your business processes, finding the right solution takes creativity and experience. Each business has its own unique needs and nuances. One size doesn’t fit all if you are aiming for impactful results.   That’s why Quickbase has become a go-to platform for business process improvements. It provides the…

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strong project management

7 Project Management Best Practices

February 14, 2019

When it comes to project management, we’ve developed some best practices based on Trinity’s extensive work with our clients. Projects are by definition unique undertakings. No one project will be identical to the next.   Thus, having tried and true general guidelines can provide a lot of support in making sure projects are handled successfully.…

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CRM customer relationship management blog header

Why a CRM Software System Needs To Be A Part Of Your Business Strategy

January 29, 2019

Customers are the heart of any business. Maintaining great relationships with them can propel your business towards success. On the flip side, failing in this department could make all your other business efforts futile.   How do you develop these quality relationships? Like with any relationship, it comes down to listening to them and connecting…

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business process improvement

5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Focus On Process Improvement

January 24, 2019

What is Business Process Improvement?   Business process improvement (BPI) is a practice of analyzing business procedures to identify where improvements can be made. After pinpointing those areas, the next step is to transform those procedures to allow for increased accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency.    How Can Business Process Improvement Transform Your Business?   A…

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